Simplifying Your Digital Journey to Unleash Potential.

Welcome to Agilteem. We specialize in transforming complex digital challenges into seamless, innovative solutions tailored to your unique needs. Partner with us to unlock your business's full potential and navigate the digital landscape with confidence.


Navigate Your Future with Agilteem: Where Innovation Meets Action

In this fast-paced digital era, the path to
transformation is both vast and necessary. Choosing
the ideal partner for this transformative journey isn’t
about following the map—it’s about drawing it.

We’re not just your navigators;

We’re your co-captains in exploration.

We understand that your journey in the digital sphere is unique. Your vision, your aspirations—they deserve a guide that not only recognizes where you stand but also visualizes where you aim to soar. With Agilteem, you’re not just moving towards the future; you’re defining it, turning your boldest digital dreams into your reality.

Why us?

Because we see beyond the code. Your goals become our mission, your challenges our puzzles to solve. With a blend of strategic foresight, technical excellence, and a dash of creativity, we ensure your digital adventure is one of discovery, growth, and success. Thrilled to guide you through the evolving digital landscape, we transform the journey to focus on achieving your dreams,

Agilteem: Crafting the Blueprint for Tomorrow’s Tech!

Welcome to Agilteem, where we are more than just tech enthusiasts—we are the architects of your digital future. Since our inception within the pioneering Archipel Group in 2014, we have dedicated ourselves to guiding businesses through the complexities of the digital landscape. Our mission is clear: to transform your digital interactions into pathways of growth and innovation…

CEO, Agilteem.
Challenging Years.
Delivered projects.
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Digital Transformation Consulting & Strategy


Struggling to Define a Clear Digital Roadmap

Feel lost in the digital landscape?

Our Digital Transformation Consulting & Strategy blends deep insights and tailored guidance at every step of your digital journey. From laying down the digital roadmap to integrating the latest innovations, we ensure your business is primed for tomorrow, today. Embrace a partnership that brings clarity to complexity, speed to development, and strategy to every innovation

Explore Our Range of Capabilities :

Agile Software Development & Integration


Web & Software Projects Taking

Too Long or Exceeding Budget

Tired of software projects that drag on or spiral out of budget?

Specializing in rapid web and software creation thanks to our innovative Backend As A Service: Y/stance. Our approach ensures your ideas are brought to life swiftly and efficiently, without compromising quality. Beyond development, our expertise extends to seamless system integration and API innovations, ensuring your technology ecosystem operates without friction. Experience the power of agility in every code and connection

Explore Our Suite of Interventions :

Martech Integration & Automation


Marketing Efforts Aren’t

Yielding Expected Results

Do your marketing efforts feel like shots in the dark?

Revolutionize your marketing strategy with Agilteem’s Martech Integration & Automation services. We specialize in seamlessly integrating leading Martech solutions into your existing systems, enhancing your toolkit with powerful platforms like HubSpot, Pipedrive, and Zendesk. Our expertise doesn’t stop at integration; we set up sophisticated automation workflows that optimize CRM strategies, enhance

Uncover Targeted Capabilities for Your Industry

Emerging Technologies & Innovation


Falling Behind on Latest

Technological Advancements

Worried your business is lagging in the tech race?

Step into the future with our Emerging Technologies & Innovation service. As your digital transformation partner, we guide you through exploring and implementing groundbreaking technologies such as IoT, AI, and immersive AR/VR experiences. Our forward-thinking approach ensures your business not only keeps up with technological advancements but sets the pace, redefining industry standards and opening new avenues for engagement and efficiency.

Explore Our Scope :

Harnessing Expertise and Innovation at Agilteem

As the Chief Technology Officer at Agilteem, I’ve had the privilege of steering our talented team through countless challenges and innovations, all fueled by our relentless pursuit of excellence. At the core of our success is a deep- rooted expertise in technology and an unwavering commitment to improving how businesses interact with digital solutions…
Rachid HARIK
Co-founder CTO, Agilteem.


Every success story starts with a vision. Ours begin with understanding yours. Dive into how we’ve partnered with businesses to tackle digital challenges head-on, turning ambitions into achievements.

A Next-Generation SaaS Data Platform

This case study delves into the development and deployment of an advanced Software as a Service (SaaS) data platform tailored for social listening and data analysis.

Built using a next-generation technology stack, the platform demonstrates how businesses can effectively gather, process, and derive insights from vast volumes of social media and in-house data.

Achgal Insights

Data Pathology platform :

Transforming oncology genomic testing process through digitalization for Optimal Efficiency

We orchestrated a comprehensive digitalization of oncology genomic testing workflow, anchored by a sophisticated profile-based anonymization system. This system meticulously controls access to patient identities, ensuring that only authorized medical personnel can view sensitive information.

Data pathology platrform

Enhancing Data Management at Observatoire Halieutique Marocain with API-First Platform Redesign


The observatory grappled with outdated data management systems that stifled efficient access and hindered integration with modern analytical tools, limiting effective Halieutic research.


Pêche Sentinelle - Digitizing Traditional Fisheries for Enhanced Sustainability

Project Overview

Pêche Sentinelle, a trailblazing initiative in the fisheries sector, was developed to modernize and optimize traditional fishing practices using digital technology. Aimed at sustainability and efficiency, the platform integrates both a SaaS application and a mobile app tailored for the unique needs of the fishing community.

Pêche sentinelle

Bookmark :A Microservices-Driven Marketplace Experience

Facing challenges from declining physical traffic and competitive online retailers, the book industry required a technological overhaul. Our solution: a microservices-based marketplace tailored to uplift small and medium bookstore holders through a pioneering economic model.


Transforming Educational Content Production through Strategic Industrialization

Client Background

A major educational publisher was struggling with an outdated and inefficient process for creating K12 educational materials. The publisher's goal was to modernize these processes to improve both the speed and quality of their educational content.

Digital to lessons

A Next-Generation SaaS Data Platform

This case study delves into the development and deployment of an advanced Software as a Service (SaaS) data platform tailored for social listening and data analysis.

Built using a next-generation technology stack, the platform demonstrates how businesses can effectively gather, process, and derive insights from vast volumes of social media and in-house data.

Achgal Insights

Data Pathology platform :

Transforming oncology genomic testing process through digitalization for Optimal Efficiency

We orchestrated a comprehensive digitalization of oncology genomic testing workflow, anchored by a sophisticated profile-based anonymization system. This system meticulously controls access to patient identities, ensuring that only authorized medical personnel can view sensitive information.

Data pathology platrform

Enhancing Data Management at Observatoire Halieutique Marocain with API-First Platform Redesign


The observatory grappled with outdated data management systems that stifled efficient access and hindered integration with modern analytical tools, limiting effective Halieutic research.


Pêche Sentinelle - Digitizing Traditional Fisheries for Enhanced Sustainability

Project Overview

Pêche Sentinelle, a trailblazing initiative in the fisheries sector, was developed to modernize and optimize traditional fishing practices using digital technology. Aimed at sustainability and efficiency, the platform integrates both a SaaS application and a mobile app tailored for the unique needs of the fishing community.

Pêche sentinelle

Bookmark :A Microservices-Driven Marketplace Experience

Facing challenges from declining physical traffic and competitive online retailers, the book industry required a technological overhaul. Our solution: a microservices-based marketplace tailored to uplift small and medium bookstore holders through a pioneering economic model.


Transforming Educational Content Production through Strategic Industrialization

Client Background

A major educational publisher was struggling with an outdated and inefficient process for creating K12 educational materials. The publisher's goal was to modernize these processes to improve both the speed and quality of their educational content.

Digital to lessons


A showcase of the organizations that
journey with us.

Ecocity Zenata


Real Success, Real Partnerships. From skyrocketing growth metrics to transformative digital workflows, our partners share their journeys to digital excellence

Join us on the journey to redefine the boundaries of what's possible in digital development with Y/stance. Whether you’re launching new applications or optimizing existing ones, Y/stance is your partner in achieving faster, more cost- effective, and scalable digital solutions.

Introducing Y/stance: Revolutionizing Speed and Efficiency in Digital Development

Join us on the journey to redefine the boundaries of what's possible in digital development with Y/stance. Whether you’re launching new applications or optimizing existing ones, Y/stance is your partner in achieving faster, more cost- effective, and scalable digital solutions.

Speed to Market

Y/stance’s advanced automation capabilities and pre-built backend modules allow for rapid scaling and development, dramatically reducing time to market.

Scalability and Flexibility

Ready to grow as you do, Y/ stance offers scalable solutions that adapt to your needs, supporting both startups and large enterprises alike

Cost Reduction

Minimize costs without compromising quality. Y/ stance’s efficient architecture decreases the need for large- scale backend teams and reduces resource wastage.

Innovation Enablement

Free up your resources to focus on front-end innovation and user experience while Y/stance handles the complexities of the backend.

Let’s Make Digital Happen.

Ready to transform your digital landscape with solutions that stand the test of time and technology? Contact Agilteem today, and let’s create something remarkable together.